Online resources to boost your productivity

What I love about the internet is how easy it is to find resources to improve your day and your productivity. I'm often reading blog posts and listening to podcasts where I pick up recommendations for apps and websites that can help me get more stuff done, improve my habits and help me conquer my health goals.

Over the last few years I've kept track of these resources and today I share them with you. I hope you find them helpful. Add your own resources in the comments.

Getting stuff done

Pomodoro technique 25 minutes of working solidly followed by a 5-minute break. The 5-minute break works because it's short but has the power to leave you refreshed when returning to your work. If you're using your computer to work on something, use the 5-minute break to stand up and stretch or to talk to a friend/colleague.

Why it's great Committing to just 25 minutes is easier than committing to spending the morning working on a project. If you know that need to spend the whole day working on something, knowing that you already have your breaks scheduled makes it easier to get started.

Beginner's tip If you're new to pomodoro, you might be tempted to work beyond the 25-minute cycle or to cut the 5-minute break short. Resist this temptation. When I've been working on projects with friends using the pomodoro technique, I've found that those who stick religiously to the 5-minute break have better stamina throughout the day and burn out less quickly.

Kanban Flow A free online tool that divides your to-do list by 'do today', 'in progress' and 'done'. This tool is especially handy for group projects but is just as helpful when you're working solo. You can assign tasks and deadlines to individuals. The colourful formatting makes it easy on the eyes and it's also very intuitive. You can sign up for the free version.

Why it's great It's very easy to use and can be very useful for meetings on progress or your performance review.

Beginner's tip Make sure that tasks you add are tasks and not goals. I made the mistake of adding vague tasks which stayed in the to-do column because I wasn't really sure of how to start them. Take a screenshot at the end of each day so that you can easily put together weekly or monthly progress reports for your team or for your boss.

Creating new habits Hands down the best free site on habit creation. James Clear studies successful people - entrepreneurs, artists, athletes and more, to uncover the habits that make them successful. Clear provides a ton of free resources sharing his research. His articles are well-researched and detailed. You'll rarely find a listicle. He makes no claims to be an expert but commits to continuous learning that he shares with his audience. Leo Babauta is well known for his jargon-free and inspiring writing. He regularly shares his wisdom on forming and sustaining habits. His writing comes from a place of compassion.

Fitness and Wellbeing

Fitnessblender In addition to being an adorable married couple, Kelly and Daniel Seagers have a mission to get everybody moving. They believe in access to fitness whether you can afford the gym or not. Choose from hundreds of fitness videos which cover strength, cardio, flexibility and more. On their website you can tailor your search so that you can do workouts that don't require equipment and select how long you want to work out for. They also recently held a meet-up with fans in Seattle and are planning one for L.A.

Blogilates Another Youtube sensation, Cassey Ho, has nearly 3 million subscribers to her exercise channel. In addition to helping her followers lose hundreds of pounds in weight, Cassey is also a lifestyle guru who discusses pursuing your dream career and eating tips.

What resources do you use to improve your day? Share your tips in the comments.

Image courtesy of lekkyjustdoit at