LLB Web App Series Part 2: Require.js
This is part 2 of the series. This is a series dedicated to explaining a bunch of helpful web development tools in the simplest language possible. »
This is part 2 of the series. This is a series dedicated to explaining a bunch of helpful web development tools in the simplest language possible. »
EVALUATION Thinking, Fast and Slow [https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/0141033576/ref=as_li_tl?ie=UTF8&camp=1634&creative=6738& »
This will be my last post of 2013. It has been a year of huge personal growth for the team at LLB, and I would like »
I’ve stumbled across a well designed index/flash card app called Anki. Check it out. [http://ankisrs.net/] The blurb on the site reads: > »
I have entered the idiot phase of my mandarin learning. I am no longer a total beginner. I actually understand some of what is being said »