Put Your Phone Away
It finally happened at lunch today. Someone just started watching a TV show on their iphonein the middle of a social situation.I wasn’t »
It finally happened at lunch today. Someone just started watching a TV show on their iphonein the middle of a social situation.I wasn’t »
> They must often change, who would be constant in happiness or wisdom. * DMX (Just kidding, it’s Confucius) It has now been exactly one month »
Disclaimer: I am not a legal professional. This strategy has been outlined to me by someone with a great deal of experience managing people, but you »
This is the second LLB book summary on a Malcolm Gladwell book (we previously summarized Tipping Point [https://thelifelifebalance.com/book-summary-tipping-point/]). His books are proving consistently »
I’m just going to go ahead and steal this straight off Jon Jitsu [http://jonjitsu.wordpress.com/2013/08/26/carrying-the-weight-2/], his blog is well »